Sep 112013

Today is 9/11.  On facebook people are remembering where they were, posting pictures of the towers.  There is a biker rally going on in DC.  Plenty of people looking for closure, marking the past.

We received the paperwork, the finished design we’d came up with weeks ago.  Last night as we laid in bed I turned to Kim and asked what she thought.  Did she like the design we came up with?  “Yes”.  And that was it.  The decisions were made.  I didn’t choose today to do it because of the anniversary, or any other realization…. it was just time…..  I didn’t even really think about it being 9/11 when I printed it off.   I marked with an “X” on the slash that said, “approve as submitted” and signed my name.  We ordered her headstone today.  It was time.  I’m at peace with it.

Michael and I closing her grave

Michael and I closing her grave

 Posted by on September 11, 2013 at 12:23 pm

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